Best Way to Market Toward Gen Z: told from a gen z perspective

Tom Lombardozzi
2 min readApr 9, 2020


I’ll start off by saying instagram ads, snapchat ads, and facebook ads usually will get the job done. In all honesty thought, I do not believe that they are the best way to spend your money.

Gen Z is PEPPERED with ads on these platforms. I just scrolled through 50 instagram posts and 12 of them were ads. That means roughly 25% of my feed is ads. This means we are immune, and we barely notice them anymore, unless they are done well enough to grab our attention.

So, what do we pay attention to on instagram? The pages that entertain us.

This means pages like @fuckjerry, @memezar, @nochaser, @barstoolsports, and many, many others. Some of these pages have funny videos, memes, sports videos, and other content. The point is we pay attention to what these pages post. Beyond these pages we pay attention to our influencers, these people are who we admire because we like how they live. To name a few for me it’s @biznasty, @philmickelson, @stoolpresidente, and @rorymcilroy.

Those pages are your bread and butter, if they allow it, reach out to them and find out if you can work with them. For example, @biznasty is a host of the most popular hockey podcast in the world, Spitten Chiclets, they sell ad spots for their podcast and instagram stories, and the loyal fans will listen to what they say. I love the podcast and personally have bought products from 4 different companies who advertised with them. For someone like Phil Mickelson or Rory Mcilroy, it will probably be more of a partnership and harder to work with them.

I believe that the best way to reach your gen z customer is to advertise with pages and people who they follow. People call them influencers. This is because influencers have a loyal fan base and any product they show off, people are going to pay attention.

This isn’t just restricted to instagram either, it’s wherever Gen Z kids are. Sure, Instagram holds a large amount of the market, but youtube is also a great place to advertise. Tiktok is also gaining massive traction among Gen Z. Anywhere where Gen Z interacts with content, try to think of the people who produce the content they watch and partner with them. That’s where your money is best spent.

  • This was the most recent featured piece in my most recent newsletter. Subscribe here

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Tom Lombardozzi
Tom Lombardozzi

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